From Tools To Toolboxes: a Brief History Of Hand Tools

By Martin Hart on Thu 05 March 2020

Tool kits are surely one of the greatest inventions of all time. After all, where would we be without tools

These devices helped to shape the course of human history. And as the tools we used evolved, so too did our society.

Today it's easy to take these instruments for granted, but a world without these innovations doesn't even bear thinking about!

If you've ever wondered about the history hidden inside your tool box, then you're in luck. Here, we're going to take a quick look at the most common tool types and where they came from. Trust us, it's pretty fascinating!


Tool kits are surely one of the greatest inventions of all time.

After all, where would we be without tools?

These devices helped to shape the course of human history. And as the tools we used evolved, so too did our society.

Today it's easy to take these instruments for granted, but a world without these innovations doesn't even bear thinking about!

If you've ever wondered about the history hidden inside your tool box, then you're in luck. Here, we're going to take a quick look at the most common tool types and where they came from. Trust us, it's pretty fascinating!



Ah hammers. These humble heroes have been our helpers for a long time. A very long time! Believe it or not, we humans have been using hammers in one form or another for thousands of years. In fact, the use of simple hammer-like tools is thought to date back to around the year 2,400 BC - pretty incredible, right?!

Even our Stone Age ancestors were in on the hammer act, using simple stones attached to sticks to strike objects - or whatever they did in those days.

As the function of the hammer changed, so too did its appearance. Through the centuries, hammer designs became ever more refined in order to accommodate tasks requiring greater levels of precision.

For example, we've the Romans and their love of nails to thank for the development of the claw hammer.

Today, these striking tools still make a big impact, but are designed more with ease of use and comfort in mind - something we're all grateful for!



Screwdrivers are a tool box staple and it's a wonder where we'd be without them.

The first documented screwdrivers appeared during the middle ages. Originally called a ‘screwturner' or a ‘turn screw', the screwdriver is believed to have been invented in the mid to late 15th century.

Screws themselves date back thousands of years; though how people managed to turn them for so long without the assistance of a screwdriver beggars belief.



Rudimentary pliers are an ancient innovation. No single time point has been credited with their invention. But early metalwork practices would have required the use of instruments such as pliers to handle hot materials.

Illustrations of objects that appear to be pliers date back as far as the time of the ancient Egyptians. Pliers also feature in illustrations dating from the time of the ancient Greeks too.

Early pliers were likely made of wood, but in later years other materials such as bronze, iron and finally steel became the materials of choice.

Since these early days, the design of pliers has diversified greatly too. This was largely driven by the invention of the new objects, such as horseshoes and electrical items, that they were required to handle.

As a result, today there are many different types of pliers, each designed for a particular use.

That said, the basic design of pliers has changed surprisingly little since their early history. A pair of handles, a pivot, and a head section continues to form the main three elements of these devices even now, just as they did all those years ago.


So there we have it; a brief history of the contents of your tool box. We hope this has given you a newfound admiration for these innovative instruments.

As suppliers of a wide range of products to the hardware trade, here at Hart Wholesale we're tool experts. We supply a wide range of hand tools from spanners to screwdrivers; perfect for upgrading your tool kit.

We can also provide a vast array of other products too, from Blum hinges to bathroom fixtures. So whatever project you're planning, we've got you covered.

Want to know more about our products and services? Then contact our friendly team today by giving us a call on 01702 614 044.


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